
Ahlsell assigned highest rating, ‘Platinum’, by EcoVadis

Ahlsell's sustainability work has been assessed by sustainability rating agency EcoVadis for the seventh consecutive year. Last year, Ahlsell reached a new milestone when it was rated ‘Gold’ for the first time, in recognition of its focused efforts to build a more sustainable society. This year, Ahlsell has achieved the highest, ‘Platinum’, rating.

“We are extremely proud that our improvement efforts have paid off. Receiving a ‘Platinum’ rating from EcoVadis strengthens both our position as a more sustainable option for our customers and our brand as an attractive employer. It’s also reassuring for our suppliers to know that we’ve received a ‘Platinum’ rating from EcoVadis and that we can share their sustainability efforts with our customers,” says Christina Lindbäck, CSO at Ahlsell.

EcoVadis’ global network has analysed more than 75,000 companies, which are assessed and rated from 0 to 100. Ratings are based on 21 criteria in the areas of environment, HR, including employee rights, ethics and sustainable procurement. The methodology is based on international CSR standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the UN Global Compact and ISO 26000. This year, Ahlsell rose five points, from 68 to 73 out of a total of 100 possible points.

“I would like to extend my gratitude to all the employees who have made those improvements during the year, enabling us to achieve EcoVadis’ highest rating. With that said, we have not reached perfection and will continue to work to raise our rating and become even better at delivering sustainable products, services and solutions,” continues Christina Lindbäck.

The 2022 result means that Ahlsell’s sustainability work ranks among the top five percent in its category and the top one percent of all rated companies.

For further information please contact: 
Christina Lindbäck, CSO at Ahlsell AB
+46 (0)8-685 70 00, 

Ahlsell is present where people reside, work and live their lives. As a leading distributor of installation products, we work with our customers to drive developments for manufacturers, installers, builders and repair and maintenance specialists. With a wide range of sustainable products and services, our expert knowledge and world-class logistics, it's our job to make our professional customers' lives easier. With sales of more than SEK 40 billion, over 6,000 employees, more than 240 stores and three central warehouses in the Nordic region, we do everything we can to deliver on our promise to customers: Ahlsell makes it easier to be professional.

For further information, visit www.ahlsell.com

Ahlsell Group
Årstaängsvägen 17
117 98 Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone: +46 8 685 70 00

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