
Caroline Sundewall appointed as new board member for Ahlsell

Caroline Sundewall, who has an extensive experience of board work, has been appointed as new board member for Ahlsell.

Caroline Sundewall, took an MBA from Stockholm School of Economics in 1980. She has since then worked within the business community (Chase Manhattan Bank in London, Handelsbanken, Ratos) and within the media world, both as a journalist and analyst (Dagens Industri, Affärsvärlden, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, Finanstidningen). In 1999, Caroline Sundewall started to work both as business consultant and as a professional board member.

Today, Caroline Sundewall is a member of the following company boards:
Electrolux Ltd, Haldex, Lifco Ltd, Pagengruppen Ltd, Swedbank and TeliaSonera.

­- It feels pleasant and inspiring that Caroline, with her excellent background, comes into office as a board member of Ahlsell. Ahlsell faces exciting challenges in the near future and Caroline's experience will be of great value for Ahlsell, says Göran Näsholm, president and CEO of Ahlsell AB.

For further information, please contact:
Rolf Börjesson, chairman of Ahlsell, on +44 7770 368 615
Göran Näsholm, President and CEO, on +46 708-23 71 00
Camilla Weiner, CIO, on +46 734-04 70 62

Ahlsell is the leading technical trading company within installation products, tools and machinery in Scandinavia, the Baltic States and Russia. Ahlsell offers professional users a wide range of goods and peripheral services within the product segments of Heating & Plumbing, Electricity, Tools & Machinery, Construction, Refrigeration and DIY (Do-it-yourself). The Group has an annual turnover of about 2.5 billion Euro and some 5,000 employees.

Ahlsell Group
Årstaängsvägen 17
117 98 Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone: +46 8 685 70 00

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